Is Fluoride Good For You?
“If you repeat a lie big enough, loud enough and long enough, people will eventually come to believe it.
-Joseph Goebbels
How many things do we believe are true just because someone said so? Just because of a report on the news or a prominent figure said it? For years I was ignorant about fluoride. It was just something put in our toothpaste and said to be good for you. My pediatrician prescribed it in pills to my innocent little child when she was 4 years old because he said the water didn't have any. Know what? I later found out the water DID have fluoride. That was the last time I blindly believed an "authority" again. Do your research and find out all you can when it comes to propoganda. And, aside from evolution, I think fluoride must be one of the biggest propoganda lies of them all.
If you are for or neutral about fluoride, think about this: if fluoride is a truly valuable substance, why does 99% go down the drain?
Some Interesting Facts about Fluoride
1) 97% of western Europe has chosen fluoride-free water. This includes: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Northern Ireland, Norway, Scotland, Sweden, and Switzerland. (While some European countries add fluoride to salt, the majority do not.) Instead of mandating the intake of fluoride for the whole population, western Europe does not deny individuals the right to refuse fluoride.
1) 97% of western Europe has chosen fluoride-free water. This includes: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Northern Ireland, Norway, Scotland, Sweden, and Switzerland. (While some European countries add fluoride to salt, the majority do not.) Instead of mandating the intake of fluoride for the whole population, western Europe does not deny individuals the right to refuse fluoride.
2) Fluoride is the only chemical added to drinking water for the purpose of medication (to prevent tooth decay). All other chemicals are added to treat the water to treat the water. Realize this: fluoride is added to treat the people. This is what's known as mass medication.
3) Contrary to previous belief, fluoride has no benefit when swallowed. When water fluoridation began in the 1940s and '50s, dentists pushed the idea that fluoride needed to be swallowed in order to be most effective. But according to the Centers for Disease Control the need to swallow fluoride is peposterous.
4) Fluoridated water is no longer recommended for babies. In November of 2006, the American Dental Association (ADA) changed their advice to parents about fluoride and warned them to avoid giving babies fluoridated water.
Babies exposed to fluoride are at high risk of developing dental fluorosis - a permanent tooth defect caused by fluoride damaging the cells which form the teeth. Other tissues in the body may also be affected by early-life exposures to fluoride includoing damage to the developing brain, causing learning deficits and other problems.
Babies exposed to fluoride are at high risk of developing dental fluorosis - a permanent tooth defect caused by fluoride damaging the cells which form the teeth. Other tissues in the body may also be affected by early-life exposures to fluoride includoing damage to the developing brain, causing learning deficits and other problems.
5) The vast majority of fluoride added to water supplies is wasted, since over 99% of tap water is not actually consumed by a human being. It is used instead to wash cars, water the lawn, wash dishes, flush toilets, etc. Some valuable substance, huh?
Q: If it were so needful, why wouldn't the government simply offer free bottles of fluoride pills to those who wanted it?
A: The only alternative to disposing of the billions of gallons of the toxic waste that is fluoride would be to pay extremely costly disposal fees to toxic waste dumps.
Q: If it were so needful, why wouldn't the government simply offer free bottles of fluoride pills to those who wanted it?
A: The only alternative to disposing of the billions of gallons of the toxic waste that is fluoride would be to pay extremely costly disposal fees to toxic waste dumps.
6) Ingestion of fluoride has no benefit, but many risks.
a) Risk to the brain. Fluoride can damage the brain.
b) Risk to the thyroid gland. Drinking fluoridated water, may reduce the function of the thyroid among individuals with low-iodine intake. Reduction of thyroid activity can lead to loss of mental acuity, depression and weight gain.
c) Risk to bones. Fluoride can diminish bone strength and increase the risk for bone fracture.
d) Risk for bone cancer. Animal and human studies have found a connection between fluoride and a serious form of bone cancer in males under the age of 20.
e) Risk to kidney patients. People with kidney disease are at greater risk for fluoride toxicity. Apparently their ability to excrete fluoride from the body is impaired, resulting in toxic levels of fluoride which accumulate in the bones, intensify the toxicity of aluminum build-up, and exacerbate a painful bone disease.
a) Risk to the brain. Fluoride can damage the brain.
b) Risk to the thyroid gland. Drinking fluoridated water, may reduce the function of the thyroid among individuals with low-iodine intake. Reduction of thyroid activity can lead to loss of mental acuity, depression and weight gain.
c) Risk to bones. Fluoride can diminish bone strength and increase the risk for bone fracture.
d) Risk for bone cancer. Animal and human studies have found a connection between fluoride and a serious form of bone cancer in males under the age of 20.
e) Risk to kidney patients. People with kidney disease are at greater risk for fluoride toxicity. Apparently their ability to excrete fluoride from the body is impaired, resulting in toxic levels of fluoride which accumulate in the bones, intensify the toxicity of aluminum build-up, and exacerbate a painful bone disease.
7) The industrial chemicals used to fluoridate water may present unique health risks not found with naturally-occurring fluoride complexes. The chemicals used to fluoridate drinking water - fluorosilicic acid, sodium silicofluoride, and sodium fluoride - are actually industrial waste products from phosphate fertilizer factories.
8) Water fluoridation’s benefits to teeth have been exaggerated. Even proponents of water fluoridation are now finally admitting their doubts to its effectiveness. )
a) No difference exists in tooth decay between fluoridated & unfluoridated countries. While water fluoridation is often credited with causing the reduction in tooth decay that has occurred in the US over the past 50 years, the same reductions in tooth decay have occurred in all western countries, most of which have never added fluoride to their water.
It's important to not that the vast majority of western Europe has rejected water fluoridation. According to comprehensive information from the World Health Organization, their tooth decay rates are just as low, and, in fact, often lower than the tooth decay rates in the US. Hmmm....
b) You don't get more cavities without fluoride. In communities which have ended fluoridation, no increase in cavities has been reported.
c) Fluoridation does not prevent oral health crises in low-income areas. No matter how many emotional claims are made to the contrary, dental woes are related to sugar rot not the lack of dental care access or fluoride.
9) Fluoridation influences added risk and burden to poor communities Rather than benefiting low-income areas, fluoridation is specifically burdensome and harmful.
10) Many are over-exposed to fluoride . Americans are now receiving fluoride from many other source besides the water supply resulting in an excess intake of what's recommended daily. This puts them at elevated risk of toxicity.
So if america's crops are watered with fluoridated water, how much is in our produce? Grocery store shelves are lined with foods made with fluoridated water. How much fluoride do each of these foods contain? How are we to measure our daily intake of fluoride when we consider our daily intake all these unknown sources?
10) Many are over-exposed to fluoride . Americans are now receiving fluoride from many other source besides the water supply resulting in an excess intake of what's recommended daily. This puts them at elevated risk of toxicity.
So if america's crops are watered with fluoridated water, how much is in our produce? Grocery store shelves are lined with foods made with fluoridated water. How much fluoride do each of these foods contain? How are we to measure our daily intake of fluoride when we consider our daily intake all these unknown sources?
Because of the increase in fluoride exposure from all these sources combined, the rate of dental fluorisis (a visible indicator of over-exposure to fluoride during childhood) has increased significantly over the past 50 years. In the 1940s, dental fluorosis used to impact less than 10% of children. The latest national survey found that it now affects over 30% of children!
What all this has meant to my family is standing against the mass medication in our country. We have politely said no to the fluoride offered at dental visits. We attended a local city counsel meeting in our home town years ago and fought the addition of fluoride to our community water. We were one of only 3 or 4 other concerned local residents who were present that night.
The rest of the room was made up, unbelievably, of dentists from other counties! They did not show up because of what they stood to gain by being there. It was what they stood to LOSE: lucrative kick-backs (MONEY) from the fluoride suppliers in return for the dental association's support.
Well, we the people stood up and told the truth and the faces of the officials listening showed genuine shock. It was almost like they'd never heard the truth before! (Of course they hadn't!) And who do you suppose won? WE DID! They tore down the giant tank they'd built to hold the toxic stuff and sent the poison pushers packing! I was proud of our town that day.
Years ago, when one of our children suffered the effects from fluoride we learned about the cause, and immediately reversed our course. We have now been using Tom's of Maine toothpaste without fluoride for over 10 years without any further problems. Cool, huh?
What all this has meant to my family is standing against the mass medication in our country. We have politely said no to the fluoride offered at dental visits. We attended a local city counsel meeting in our home town years ago and fought the addition of fluoride to our community water. We were one of only 3 or 4 other concerned local residents who were present that night.
The rest of the room was made up, unbelievably, of dentists from other counties! They did not show up because of what they stood to gain by being there. It was what they stood to LOSE: lucrative kick-backs (MONEY) from the fluoride suppliers in return for the dental association's support.
Well, we the people stood up and told the truth and the faces of the officials listening showed genuine shock. It was almost like they'd never heard the truth before! (Of course they hadn't!) And who do you suppose won? WE DID! They tore down the giant tank they'd built to hold the toxic stuff and sent the poison pushers packing! I was proud of our town that day.
Years ago, when one of our children suffered the effects from fluoride we learned about the cause, and immediately reversed our course. We have now been using Tom's of Maine toothpaste without fluoride for over 10 years without any further problems. Cool, huh?