Women Mentors

I've been thinking about how important it is for women (and men, too, for that matter) to have mentors. I think that's why blogging has taken off the way it has. It gives women the opportunity to peek into another like-minded mom's life. In an artificial sort of way, we gain insight, new ideas, encouragement and the opinions of moms like us.  This is especially important for those moms who have no other women in their lives with similar lifestyles, convictions and beliefs.

In the past, most women led pretty similar lives with extended families often living close by.  And nieghbors were a natural source of support and help.  Now, families are typically scattered, broken or estranged and it's very difficult to find the help and support we need.

Enter blogs. :)

But not just any blog. Only the most helpful ones are of value. Those that teach me something new, encourage me in my goal as wife and mother and instruct me on effeciently keeping my home are the ones that I have time for.

Home tours are especially fun because what woman doesn't enjoy seeing how other women decorate and manage their house?  Virtual tours offer a way to gain fresh ideas for our own homes all over the globe that we'd otherwise never be able to "visit".  In this way, people all over the world are becoming neighbors.

The other advantage to blogs is that they fit into the micro-moments of our lives.  I can sit down for a coffee break and pop over for a visit for some encouragement or ideas in less than 5 minutes. 

Facebook, twitter and the rest like them are a huge time waster.  Who cares what someone's doing every few minutes.  These have no value whatsoever and only feed or encourage voyeurism.  My time is much too valuable to read or post on one of those.  But a blog can be a wonderful means for mentoring others and being mentored to fill the strange gaps the 21st century has ushered in.

In this blog, I  hope to get some photos up soon and a home tour as well.  Since I just moved, I am just beginning to get the house settled and decorated. So let us blog for the benefit of others that we might encourage one another. 

And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to GOOD WORKS.
Hebrews 10:24


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