Decorating Before and After

When we moved into this house, there were several red and taupe accent walls which were not only too stark but very poorly done (uneven edges and messy looking). Well, the painting is finally done and I'm so happy with the results!

I think the new neutral color looks fabulous. It's been especially good for me, as the red was just an agitating color to look at. The color red tends to "close in on you" plus it's been known to actually raise your blood pressure as well as your appetite (which I certainly don't need, thank you). Check out the results! (I've also updated my Castle tour.)  I actually feel more peaceful in this house now that the red is GONE.  :)  Yippee!!




This is the entry way looking at the front door.

This is the entry FROM the front door.



It was a lot of work to prime and paint over the dark red but it was worth it. I'm soooo thankful for my sweet husband and sons who did the majority of this tough job!


Anonymous said…
It is amazing what a bit of paint and a good, long weekend will do to lift a mood! We bought a home that had 4 different bright greens, golds and "safety yellow", oranges and reds on every single wall. Sometimes there were four colors in one room! There wasn't one surface that didn't need painting. Even my daughter's room looked like a circus wagon of pepto bismol pink and mossy neon green painted in wicked stripes. shudder. The house was on the market for over 2 years because the owner refused to repaint the color fiasco! So, we bought it far under market value and painted like crazy. Aaaaaaah, so much better.
You're right about paint color and mood. I feel so much better in these more neutral, soothing colors!
Thanks for sharing the pictures. Everything looks so much better without the red. Good job!
Thanks, Kate! Wow, that would be a tall order! Good for you on getting that steep discount on your house for the painting horrors. Doing your own painting is money in the bank! Those would be some amazing before and after photos! :)

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