Recognizing the Season We're In

It would be pretty vexing to wish for snow in the summer or plant veggies in the winter.  Wanting something we do not have...the Bible calls it coveting, and it's a sin. 

The Lord gave us four wonderful, earthly seasons. I love them all!  He also gave us different seasons of life. When we try to live in a season outside of His design, we are inviting trouble.  But when we walk wisely, and recognize the season we are in, we can really save ourselves a lot of grief.

Longing to do things that our current circumstances don't really allow for can cause us to be unfruitful and can even lead to depression.  Depression is terrible because it is like living in chains.  Some of the most miserable and unuseful people I've ever met are wallowing in depression. It must be a truly horrible state of mind and women can be quite prone to it. 

But in the Word of God, we find so many ways to combat these foes.  When the Bible is read by someone full of faith, it produces the fear of the Lord.  That's the beginning of wisdom!  When we walk in the fear of the Lord and wisdom, we are better able to process our lives and view our thoughts and our desires through the right lenses. 

Life's Changing Seasons

When our children are still in the nest, we are in a planting season.  If we recognize that, then we will be able to pour ourselves into our children while they are young and it will be not be grievous, but an absolute joy!  They need you right now, mama. 

There are so many women who try to "do it all".  They leave their children and fill their schedules to impact the world around them while their real world, their home, their family, their children - go starved for their undivided attention and care. 

Mothers, our ministry is at HOME.  Our ministry is not at church - unless it is something our children can do right beside us and with us. 

Knowing the season we are in and that in time, that season will be over and a new one will begin can be bittersweet.  I feel an ache sometimes when I think of the time when my children will all be grown with homes of their own.  I will miss them more than words. 

But I know the Lord is kind and good and I trust him. I pray that once they are grown, they will include us in their lives and we can enjoy a rich heritage of love and family to bask in when I'm in my golden season. 

But right now is the time to prepare for that harvest.  Prayer is my biggest and most powerful tool and I use it often and with authority.  I pray for their futures, for their salvation, for their spouses-to-be, and for our family as a whole.  I pray that the enemy would not have access to their souls and that the Lord would protect and shield them round about.  I pray that God would give them ears to hear and eyes to see and would use them in ministry for God's glory and His Kingdom.

Know the season you're in and be happy and productive in it.  For it will soon pass.

Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:
  1. A time to be born, and a time to die;
  2. A time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;
  3. A time to kill, and a time to heal;
  4. A time to break down, and a time to build up;
  5. A time to weep, and a time to laugh
  6. A time to mourn, and a time to dance;
  7. A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together;
  8. A time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;
  9. A time to get, and a time to lose
  10. A time to keep, and a time to cast away;
  11. A time to rend, and a time to sew;
  12. A time to keep silence, and a time to speak;
  13. A time to love, and a time to hate
  14. A time of war, and a time of peace.
What a wise an amazing passage of scripture this is. I think we sometimes entertain foolish notions that we can somehow avoid or detain some of the unpleasant ones like war, mourning, weeping and losing.  But if you live long enough, the Lord will bring about most of these times in our lives sooner or later.  I think modern technology sort of lulls us into a false sense of security.  But if you're a believer, your security is in the Lord Jesus Christ who promised to never leave or forsake you.  Troubles will come, so be prepared.  We must praise Him the good times and praise Him in the bad.

We can see in the life of our Saviour, Jesus Christ, that he was always aware of what season he was in.  He waited patiently for 30 years until his ministry time had come and respectfully admonished his mother for trying to bring it to pass prematurely.

John 2:3-4 And when they wanted wine, the mother of Jesus saith unto him, They have no wine. Jesus saith unto her, Woman, what have I to do with thee? mine hour is not yet come.

When God brings about a time in life that we wonder about - such as refraining from embracing, mourning, losing and weeping - we must stay grounded in God's word  and thereby take comfort, that all things must come in God's time.  We must learn to recogize the season we are in to make the most of it.

When it's a joyous season of prosperity and blessing, we need to bask and dance in it's wonderful glow and warmth. 

When it's a difficult season of pain and loss, we need to humble ourselves under the potter's hand and trust that Lord is cultivating patience and longsuffering in us. 

One thing that is timeless and defies all seasons - we can always praise the Lord.  Whether in joy or in pain, when we let patience have her perfect work, that is when the Lord can really use us. 

How is He using you?


Anonymous said…
This is so true! I love what you said about our ministry not being at church. I married my Pastor's son, and therefore adopted into the "Royal family" - ha! I have received some criticism over the years for not being involved enough at church. I think since I'm part of the Pastor's family, people think I should be teaching classes, working in the kitchen, organizing events... I've been asked to do these things, and many more, and I just politely decline. Now, I will say, however, I believe there is great value and blessing in serving at church. For me personally, it's singing in the choir. That's where the Lord has gifted me and asked me to serve. But since I have little ones, that's all I do. I wish more young mothers would realize this.
Thank you for your very insightful comment, Courtney. There is great pressure for the preacher's family to serve till they drop and it's shameful. (My husband's dad is also a Pastor!)I think if choir singing is a minimal commitment, it can be done without sacrificing your children. I'm delighted to hear that you have your priorities right!
May God bless you and yours!

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