Bible Stories Vs. Bible Records
I recently heard author and speaker Ken Ham at our state's annual homeschool conference. He pointed out that reading those cute little illustrated Bibles to our children is not a good idea and asked what we usually correlate with children’s picture books? We all spoke in unison: Fiction.
Children learn to associate brightly
illustrated story books of generally short duration as fictional or “fairy tales”. Enter
the picture Bibles.
Brightly colored pictures of Noah’s ark with oversized,
silly looking animals popping out and a smiling goofy old man with a long white
beard. Does that really portray the truth of a watercraft designed by God to
withstand a violent worldwide flood?
Does it inspire the awe inspiring and grave judgment of a God displaying his justified wrath upon the unrepentant and his unspeakable grace to the redeemed? Or does it leave children with an image of a bathtub boat with a Santa-like “character”out for a merry voyage.
Does it inspire the awe inspiring and grave judgment of a God displaying his justified wrath upon the unrepentant and his unspeakable grace to the redeemed? Or does it leave children with an image of a bathtub boat with a Santa-like “character”out for a merry voyage.
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Our children need to be taught that the Bible is
not just a book of stories but a book of historical record filled with fascinating
documentation of human and earthly origins.
Children are incredibly sharp. Their capacity
for learning is extraordinary. Their attention spans may be small, but their
ability to process information is not. Ever since our children were very young and I told them stories from
the Bible, they were always aware of their truth and they were interchangeable with our own lives and people we know.
“Remember when Uncle John lost his house in the
fire but he praised God anyway? There was a man named Job who had some even
harder times come in his life. Remember what happened to him?
Let’s read some together…”
There are fabulous accounts of events and people
in the Bible. Some are common and we can relate to them. Some are astounding
and jaw dropping. But the point is, they are all true. We don’t want to let
this fact be escaped on our children. They need to know of the righteousness,
the holiness and the wrath of the God who created them. And it’s because he
created us that he has prior claim on our lives.
If we are going to plant the fear of the Lord in the hearts of our children, we need tell them true stories read from the
actual Bible. If illustrations are wanted, let them draw their own from
the narratives they hear. It will be much more meaningful and help the story to
linger a little longer in their precious souls.
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