Scriptures For the Walls

My husband recently bought me a calligraphy pen so I could begin writing scriptures to frame and place around our home and I'm so excited to get started.  He's been working on a list of verses he'd like me to write out and I've been working on my calligraphy skills (or lack thereof). 

It's really a beautiful way to write, just takes a little practice. I found plenty of books at the library on the subject as well as some websites that were helpful.  My homeschool group has monthly mom meetings and learning calligraphy was a topic a couple months back so I got to practice in a group which was fun.

The word of God is so beautiful, so comforting, so sharp and so powerful that I am really looking forward to seeing more of it upon our walls.  Currently we have just a couple of walls with scripture on them.  One is a Thomas Kinkade tapestry with Psalm 139:14 on it.  Another is a piece of art with just shapes and colors and wrote a scripture on it myself which is a great way to get some scripture up on your walls if you don't have much room or you don't want to go making up new stuff.  Just add it to your existing art, pictures, etc. (Pictures are on their way on these!)

Additionally, I have some wooden signs sitting in my closet that have dumb sayings on them so I plan on painting over  them with scripture as well.  Filling our homes with scripture is a wonderful way to be reminded everywhere we look at the precious promises of God and keep our minds focused on Him and watching for His return!

1 Thessalonians 5:6

Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober.

Later today, I hope to list the scriptures my sweetheart has chosen and this week I hope to add pictures of my works in progress. Stay tuned! :)


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