Latest Happenings Around Our Home
Things have been busy around our house these days. The holidays always add extras that take up more time but are fun nonetheless.
Last month, just days before Thanksgiving, our 14yo came down ill with the flu. Soon after our 17yo became ill, followed by yours truly. Unfortunately, for our family the day of Thanksgiving was a blur. Our boys recovered fairly quickly but I was bed ridden for days.
But the following Sunday, the last day of what was supposed to be four glorious days off together as a family, we had our little Thanksgiving. A golden roasted (organic!) turkey with all of our favorite trimmings - dressing, sweet potatoes, green bean casserole and homemade cranberry sauce with apple pie for dessert! This was the first time anyone in our family has been sick on a holiday so it was quite the bummer. I'm just thankful we were able to celebrate Thanksgiving at all this year.
December arrived in a hurry for us. We were blessed to kick off the holiday season with three Christmas shows in the first week! Two were at the Performing Arts Center (Drums Around the World and The Nutcracker) and one at a nearby church featuring a Philharmonic Orchestra playing the Sounds of the Season.
This was the first time anyone in our family has ever seen The Nutcracker ballet so that was a real treat. Best of all it was free! Our homeschool group had been invited to fill the seats of two other school groups who had to cancel their attendance at the last minute. It was for a matinee performance and we jumped at the opportunity! My husband rearranged his work schedule so that we could all go together. I am SO thankful that his work can be flexible like that. Not always, but most of the time. He's gotten to go with us on so many occasions, it's been quite delightful.
In other news, our 17 yo son started up another drawing class last month, this time charging a small fee. It has been a good learning experience for him to manage, even if he doesn't know it yet. Because, you know... 17 year olds already know pretty much all there is to know. :) And it always comes as a bit of shock when sometimes they find they don't know quite as much as they thought they did. But he's doing a great job teaching the other kids (all homeschoolers) and enjoying the process.
Today we drove out to the country and picked up our order of 150 lbs of local grass fed beef and lamb from the butcher. A friend of ours had found a rancher who sold his grass fed and finished Black Angus and Lamb and ordered a quarter side of his beef a couple years ago and it was very good. So last October (the best time to order) we called in another order. It feels great to have a full freezer of healthy meat to feed my family. Which reminds me, I better go get some to start thawing in the fridge for tomorrow night's dinner! :)
Well that's it for me today, just a little update to what I've been up to. I hope you are all enjoying the holiday season so far.
In my next post I will share about the new curriculum I ordered this month. I'm so excited about it!
Have a blessed day!